We enable people to see the best deals on offer around them. Whether it’s an excellent-value early bird, the all-night happy hour, a coffee boost or last-minute tickets to tonight’s gig – geoDealio shows you the best deals near you in real time. The best way to use geoDealio is through your smart phone. No smart phone, no problem – the geoDealio website also enables you to find a deal you’re looking for.
geoDealio allows you to reach potential customers in real time. By simply sending a Tweet, an SMS or through the geoDealio website, your deal is instantly made available to all geoDealio users. Users browse the deals based on their location from their smart phone or on our website. geoDealio aims to complement the existing advertising that businesses use to inform their customers of their offers.
Normally, businesses display their current deals on posters or chalkboards outside their premises. This means potential customers must physically walk past the business premises to see the deals and specials. geoDealio makes these deals available to users without the need to walk by your premises!
For more information about using geoDealio for your business just send us an e-mail.
geoDealio won the Dublin Startup weekend in May 2010. Later, the geoDealio team was part of the NDRC LaunchPad programme.